Debi Sharpe
Spiritual Healer, Student Medium & Secretary of the Board
Debi has always been interested in health, illness and healing of body, mind and spirit. Through Spiritualism, she has come to know more about Meditation, Mediumship and Healing Mediumship. She has completed the Morris Pratt course work for healing. Debi works from the platform during Sunday community services, offering guided healing meditations, inspirational talks, mediumship and healing. She has traveled abroad to secure skills in mental mediumship. She is also a part of the Circle of Love Healing Team.
Lesa Varela
Spiritual Healer, Medium & President of the Board
Lesa works from the platform as a demonstrating medium during Sunday services at the Circle of Love Community. She enjoys giving a good mini talk and has a voice like a songbird. She performs at some popular local events. She has been a life-long medium who has come to understand her gift more through the study of Spiritualism, the mediumship development classes, and training abroad. Lesa now serves as our Board Treasurer, and she organizes our craft fairs and caters our events.